"Saving America's Horses" On World Stage Through Cinema

For Immediate Release:
 (Los Angeles, CA, August 17, 2011) “Saving America’s Horses – A Nation Betrayed”  On World Stage

Wild for life Foundation is pleased to announce the launching of official post production for "Saving America's Horses" the lifesaving film. The chief objective of this phase is to bring this important documentary resource to public release and distribution. 

The campaign, "Saving America's Horses on World Stage Through Cinema"puts the story of America's horses front and center, by bringing the award winning feature documentary film, "Saving America's Horses - A Nation Betrayed" to the public eye.

You can be a part of history in-the-making by becoming a member of WFLF's "Saving America's Horses", today and your tax deductible donation will help bring this film to public distribution.

Join now and you can receive a special limited edition "Saving America's Horses - A Nation Betrayed" film poster (11x17") designed exclusively to commemorate the screening at the Grauman's Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood, CA for the 2011 Artivist International Film Festival.

Plans are underway to  distribute this film across America and bring it to Canada, Europe and beyond, but finishing funds are needed to pay for special processing, film rating, theater space, replication, promotion and more. The special edition "Saving America's Horses - A Nation Betrayed" film posters are being made a available on a limited basis to help launch this exciting final phase of production.

Visit the official film website and join now! 

Reviews and Accolades:
"Masterfully presented" – Larry Lindner, New York Times best-selling writer
Powerful and compelling” — Greg MacGillivary, MacGillivary Freeman Films, 

“A must see film” – Michael Blake, “Dances With Wolves”
"A masterpiece” —Michael Bailey, Productions
"A passionate reverence for all animals" —Debra Lopez, AAHS, AATV

BEST IN FESTIVAL: Los Angeles Women’s International Film Festival
ACCOLADE MERIT AWARD: Advocacy, Visuals, and Investigative Journalism

“Saving America's Horses” is a cause driven documentary project presented by Humanion Films under Wild for Life Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit charity which relies solely on donations.


