Important reminder: Calls needed, full House votes tomorrow

IMPORTANT! Your calls are needed NOW! Please CALL the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121; ask to be connected to your state Representative's office. Tell them not to fund horse slaughter. Calls must be made today!

The full House of Representatives will vote on the AG Appropriations bill tomorrow, Tuesday, June 26. A new amendment could be offered to remove the Committee-approved language that was just added back in last week prohibiting the USDA from spending tax dollars to inspect horse slaughter facilities. Maintaining the currently included defunding language prohibits inspections of horse slaughter and is vital to protecting our horses.

Pro-slaughter supporters will be putting the pressure on, but you can urge your Representatives to stand strong and oppose any effort to remove this funding ban.

You can also find the direct contact information for your state representative here>>

Right now foreign investors are pushing to reopen horse slaughter plants in the U.S. and they are using every type of trickery available to mislead the public and gain support for their objective.

Your state representatives need to hear from YOU, their constituents, to help insure that they stand strong representing your voice, your position against horse slaughter.

See why local communities across the country are up in arms trying to stop the economic and environmental devastation caused by horse slaughter -- watch the Humanitarian trailer, "IMPACT", from the landmark film, SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED...

Got questions about the status of horse slaughter in the U.S.? Get answers:

WFLF's humane educational project, SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES is breaking the cycle of animal cruelty for America's horses by cultivating action and inspiring social change through the world's most powerful medium, cinema. SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES is an intelligent and inspiring expose that illuminates the hidden truth about the annihilation of our wild and domestic equines and its devastating impact on the economy, the environment and the future of humanity.  The film reveals how the public has been misled through a compelling presentation of irrefutable facts that enlighten, engage and empower people to make educated decisions that affect social change for the betterment of our world.

Share this email with your friends to help spread the word.

Most importantly, act now to make your voice count; CALL the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Ask to be connected to your state Representative's office and tell them not to fund horse slaughter.

Thank you for your continued support for this important cause.

Katia Louise
Wild for Life Foundation
Saving America's Horses

PS: If you haven’t yet done so, please take a moment to sign the Pledge to help Stop Equine Cruelty. We must continue to stand strong, stay united and keep the pressure on. Change happens when we stand together to fight for America’s equines.

"Saving America's Horses" is an educational project under Wild for Life Foundation, a 501c3 volunteer based grassroots nonprofit charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving equines. WFLF relies 100% on donations. EIN: 26-3052458

Horse Slaughter in America, the Current status and what you can do about it

Wild for Life Foundation
Equine Protection/ Humane Education Resources
June 23, 2012

On Tuesday, June 19, 2012, a House "Conference Committee" passed an amendment to the farm bill proposed by House Representative Jim Moran, imposing a ban on the spending of taxpayer dollars for the USDA inspection of horse slaughter plants. The language contained in Moran’s Amendment then became part of the House version of the farm bill, AKA, FY2013 Agriculture Appropriations Bill which is now set for a vote by the full House on Tuesday, June 26th. The addition of the Moran Amendment to the farm bill is a major upset for the proponents of horse slaughter that have been aggressively pushing to open new slaughterhouses in the U.S. 

The Agriculture Appropriations bill comes up every year and since 2006, has included protective language to prohibit the USDA from receiving tax payer money to inspect horse slaughter plants.  The protective language was quietly stripped from the annual appropriations bill in Nov 2011, by just three people; Senators Blunt, Kohl and Congressman Kingston. Had the entire Senate voted on the amendment last year, it would have no doubt passed.

USDA inspections must take place on site at each U.S. slaughterhouse in order for its meat product to be legally available for interstate commerce. The ban on the spending of taxpayer dollars for USDA inspections of horse slaughter, keeps foreign special interests from slaughtering our horses inside the U.S. The inclusion of the defunding language in the farm bill is therefore vital to protecting our horses from this insidious cruelty.  

Proponents argue that it would be better to slaughter horses in the U.S. where we can supposedly insure their humane treatment, but numerous governmental reports and undercover investigations show that USDA inspections fail to stop insidious abuses from taking place inside our slaughterhouses. Substantial documented evidence reveals egregious violations and a total lack of enforcement by the USDA in U.S. horse slaughterhouses before they were shut down in 2007. If horse slaughter plants are reopened in the U.S., horses will undoubtedly suffer torturous agony on U.S. soil again.

In the absence of a federal ban, over 100,000 American horses are shipped across federal borders to slaughter plants in Mexico and Canada each year. What most people don't realize is that 92% of the horses sent to slaughter are sound, young and healthy. These are among America’s finest and brightest horses; champion show horses, Thoroughbred racehorses, summer camp ponies and even wild horses taken from their native lands. 

In a country where we treat our horses so badly once they no longer perform to our satifaction, it's ridiculous to trust that those who want to slaughter them could guarantee their humane treatment. As an example of how we treat our horses inside the U.S. once they are designated as food animals -- they are systematically beaten, dragged, whipped, crammed into double deck cattle trailers and hauled for days without food, water or rest, many are purposely blinded as a means to force them to succumb to defeat. Until a federal law is passed to ban the slaughter of America’s horses, they will continue to be shipped across federal borders for horsemeat which is sold as a delicacy overseas.

Right now foreign investors are pushing to reopen horse slaughter plants in the U.S. and they are using every type of trickery available to mislead the public and gain support for their objective.
The full House of Representatives will vote on the AG Appropriations bill Tuesday, June 26. A new amendment may be offered by pro-slaughter proponents to remove the House Committee approved language that protects the horses. 

Pro-slaughter supporters will be putting the pressure on full blast to overcome the Moran Amendment, but you can make a difference by urging your Representatives to oppose any effort to remove the funding ban.  See your Representative's past votes on the issue by clicking here>>

Please call 1st thing Monday!!  You can call the main Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your state Representative's office

You can also find the direct contact information for your state representative here>>

Your state representatives need to hear from YOU, their constituents, to help insure that they stand strong representing your voice, your position against horse slaughter. 

See your Representative's past votes on the issue by clicking here>>

We at Wild for Life Foundation believe that America’s horses deserve to be protected and the public deserves to know the truth.  There is still much work to do. We must continue to stand strong, stay united and keep the pressure on. If you haven’t yet done so, please take a moment to sign the Pledge to help Stop Equine Cruelty.

Change happens when we stand together to fight for America’s equines.
Thank you for your continued support for this important cause.
Wild for Life Foundation and
The Team at Saving America’s Horses

Alert! Calls are needed before full House vote this Tuesday June 26th

ALERT! The full House of Representatives will vote on the AG Appropriations bill Tuesday, June 26. An amendment may be offered to remove the Committee-approved language prohibiting the USDA from spending tax dollars to inspect horse slaughter facilities. Maintaining the currently included defunding language prohibits inspections of horse slaughter and is vital to protecting our horses. 

Pro-slaughter supporters will be putting the pressure on, but you can urge your Representatives to stand strong and oppose any effort to remove this funding ban.  See your Representative's past votes on the issue by clicking here>>

Make a note and start calling 1st thing Friday, and call again on Monday!!  You can call the main Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your state Representative's office. You can also find the direct contact information for your state representative here>>

Efforts must remain vigilant to insure that America’s horses are adequately protected from insidious slaughter. Make your voice count by taking part and standing strong.

Wild for Life Foundation
Saving America's Horses

Award Winning Film About Horses Awakens Moral Fabric Of Humanity

For Immediate Release
Wild for Life Foundation
Los Angeles, CA
June 21, 2012

Award Winning Film About Horses Awakens Moral Fabric Of Humanity

We are thrilled and honored to announce that Wild for Life Foundation has been nominated for a CLASSY Award for SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES.

The CLASSY Awards is the largest philanthropic awards ceremony in the country, celebrating the greatest charitable achievements by nonprofit organizations, and recognizing the most impactful and compelling achievements worldwide. "Hollywood has Oscar, Broadway has Tony, and now Philanthropy has the CLASSYs" - AOL, 2010. It recognizes nonprofits that are operating as efficiently as lean corporations, and celebrates progressive leaders who could become the next generation of wealthy CEOs, but instead have dedicated their lives to improving the lives of others.

“We are especially grateful for this opportunity,” says Katia Louise, Wild for Life Foundation President. “The intrinsic value of participating as a CLASSY Awards nominee is the increased social awareness for the cause to protect and preserve America’s wild and domestic horses.” Through our awareness campaign, SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES, we strive to break the cycle of animal cruelty for America’s horses by educating, engaging and empowering the public to effect social change.

CLASSY Awards nominations are often picked up by some of the top media sites in the country, including Huffington Post, MTV and NBC affiliates. This year's CLASSY Awards nominees are expected to receive more than 250 million media impressions throughout the six-month process.
See the full story at The Classy Awards>>

SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED illuminates the connection between the eradication of our wild and domestic equines, its impact on the environment and the future of humanity. The film captivates its audience by exploring the majesty of the horse, the freedom they represent, the value of that freedom and what it means to life. The mission of SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES is to break the cycle of animal cruelty for America’s horses by providing a life changing resource that cultivates action and inspires social change.

SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES is an educational film project under Wild for Life Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit grassroots charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving wild and domestic equines.

Visit website:
Email: info[@] / info[@]
Phone: 310.439.9817

Link to PDF
Link to post on FB

Committe Votes to impose a Ban on Spending Taxpayer Dollars

For Immediate Release
Wild for Life Foundation
June 19, 2012
Los Angeles, CA

The Moran Amendment has passed! The Amendment imposes a ban on the spending of taxpayer dollars for USDA inspection of horses that was lifted in 2011, and will now be part of the House version of the Agriculture budget. The bill is set for a full House vote in coming days.

The addition of the Moran Amendment to the farm bill is a major upset for the proponents of horse slaughter that were aggressively pushing to open new slaughterhouses in the U.S. this year. The protective language was lifted from an annual appropriations bill last year when it reached the Senate and a special conference committee of just four individuals, and Senators Blunt and Kohl and Congressman Kingston voted to drop the language. Had the entire Senate voted on the amendment last year, it would have no doubt passed.

As we continue our diligent pursuit of justice and to bring the truth to the mainstream, we will keep close watch on this bill and the related activities. 

Today's important victory marks a turn in the tides but we must stay vigilant in our efforts to insure that America’s horses are adequately protected from insidious slaughter. Until a federal law is passed to ban the slaughter of America’s horses, they will continue to be shipped across federal borders for horsemeat which is sold as a delicacy overseas.

We at Wild for Life Foundation believe that America’s horses deserve to be protected and the public deserves to know the truth.  There is still much work to do. We must continue to stand strong, stay united and keep the pressure on. If you haven’t yet done so, please take a moment to sign the Pledge to help Stop Equine Cruelty.

Change happens when we stand together to fight for America’s equines.

Thanks to all your hard work and calls on this important issue!!

Katia Louise
President, Wild for Life Foundation
Saving America's Horses

Wild for Life Foundation is a 501c3 all volunteer grassroots charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving equines.


Urgent Action Alert

Your immediate calls are needed to stop new horse slaughter plants that are targeted to open in the U.S. this summer!

Make a note to call 1st thing Monday, June 18th to support a special Amendment that can stop the USDA from funding horse slaughter.  Moran's Amendment is coming up for a vote on Tuesday June 19, 2012, and if passed, will stop USDA funding for the slaughter of horses on US soil.

Call the Capitol switchboard Monday: 202.224.2131 and ask them to: "Support the Moran Amendment to prohibit USDA inspections at horse slaughter plants in the U.S."

To learn more and to see a list of direct phone numbers for the committee members>>


Wild for Life Foundation and the team at "Saving America's Horses" are wishing all the fabulous father's around the world a joyous Father's Day. May you be blessed to know your children throughout your life and share meaningful time together.

SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED illuminates the connection between the eradication of our wild and domestic equines, its impact on the environment and the future of humanity. "The public is being misled by special interests that are pushing to expand a foreign market for horsemeat inside the U.S. The cover up involves toxic health risks to humans, economic and environmental devastation and criminal animal cruelty." -Katia Louise, President, Wild for Life Foundation

"Saving America's Horses” is an educational documentary project under Wild for Life Foundation, a nonprofit all volunteer charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving equines.

Give Now

Donation to Wild for Life Foundation are tax deductible. EIN 26-3052458

CALL TO ACTION: Support the Moran Amendment to stop USDA funding for the slaughter of horses on US

Wild for Life Foundation
Saving America's Horses
June 12, 2012

See update>>

Calls needed to support the Moran Amendment to stop USDA funding for the slaughter of horses on US soil by contacting your State’s member of the US Full House Committee on Appropriations. Call the Capitol switchboard and ask to be connected to your state's representative. 202.224.2131.

Rep. James Moran (D-8-VA) will submit an Amendment within the next few DAYS to the Full House Committee on Appropriations prohibiting funding of USDA horse slaughter inspections necessary to export horse meat. If this amendment becomes law, no facility for the slaughter of equines for human consumption can operate in the U.S.
Last fall, 2011, the Congress and the President ended the de-funding, making it legal to slaughter horses for human consumption in the U.S. once again. Until then horse slaughter for human consumption had been illegal in the U.S. since 2007.
To learn more see and share this short WFLF PSA:

Support the Moran Amendment by callingfaxing with the following recommended message:

Capitol switchboard: 202.224.2131

Please contact U.S. Representatives for your state ONLY
Contact Information
Harold Rogers, Kentucky, Chairman
P) 202-225-4601 F) 202-225-0940

C.W. Bill Young, Florida
P) 202-225-5961 F) 202-225-9764

Jerry Lewis, California
P) 202-225-5861 F) 202-225-6498

Frank R. Wolf, Virginia
P) 202-225-5136 F) 202-225-0437

Jack Kingston, Georgia
P) 202-225-5831 F) 202-226-2269

Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, New Jersey
P) 202-225-5034 F) 202-225-3186

Tom Latham, Iowa
P) 202-225-5476 F) 202-225-3301

Robert B. Aderholt, Alabama
P) 202-225-4876 F) 202-225-5587

Jo Ann Emerson, Missouri
P) 202-225-4404 F) 202-226-0326

Kay Granger, Texas
P) 202-225-5071 F) 202-225-5683

Michael K. Simpson, Idaho
P) 202-225-5531 F) 202-225-8216

John Abney Culberson, Texas
P) 202-225-2571 F) 202-225-4381

Ander Crenshaw, Florida
P) 202-225-2501 F) 202-225-2504

Denny Rehberg, Montana
P) 202-225-3211 F) 202-225-5687

John R. Carter, Texas
P) 202-225-3864 F) 202-225-5886

Rodney Alexander, Louisiana
P) 202-225-8490 F) 202-225-5639

Ken Calvert, California
P) 202-225-1986 F) 202-225-2004

Jo Bonner, Alabama
P) 202-225-4931 F) 202-225-0562

Steven C. LaTourette, Ohio
P) 202-225-5731 F) 202-225-3307

Tom Cole, Oklahoma
P) 202-225-6165 F) 202-225-3512

Jeff Flake, Arizona
P) 202-225-2635 F) 202-226-4386

Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida
P) 202-225-4211 F) 202-225-8576

Charles W. Dent, Pennsylvania
P) 202-225-6411 F) 202-226-0778

Steve Austria, Ohio
P) 202-225-4324 F) 202-225-1984

Cynthia M. Lummis, Wyoming
P) 202-225-2311 F) 202-225-3057

Tom Graves, Georgia
P) 202-225-5211 F) 202-225-8272

Kevin Yoder, Kansas
P) 202-225-2865 F) 202-225-2807

Steve Womack, Arkansas
P) 202-225-4301 F) 202-225-5713

Alan Nunnelee, Mississippi
P) 202-225-4306 F) 202-225-3549

Norman D. Dicks, Washington
P) 202-225-5916 F) 253-593-6551

Marcy Kaptur, Ohio
P) 202-225-4146 F) 202-225-7711

Peter J. Visclosky, Indiana
P) 202-225-2461 F) 202-225-2493

Nita M. Lowey, New York
P) 202-225-6506 F) 202-225-0546

José E. Serrano, New York
P) 202-225-4361 F) 202-225-6001

Rosa L. DeLauro, Connecticut
P) 202-225-3661 F) 202-225-4890

John W. Olver, Massachusetts
P) 202-225-5335 F) 202-226-1224

Ed Pastor, Arizona
P) 202-225-4065 F) 202-225-1655

David E. Price, North Carolina
P) 202-225-1784 F) 202-225-2014

Maurice D. Hinchey, New York
202-225-6335 F) 202-226-0774

Lucille Roybal-Allard, California
P) 202-225-1766 F) 202-226-0350

Sam Farr, California
P) 202-225-2861 F) 202-225-6791

Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., Illinois
P) 202-225-0773 F) 202-225-0899

Chaka Fattah, Pennsylvania
P) 202-225-4001 F) 202-225-5392

Steven R. Rothman, New Jersey
P) 202-225-5061 F) 202-225-5851

Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., Georgia
P) 202-225-3631 F) 202-225-2203

Barbara Lee, California
P) 202-225-2661 F) 202-225-9817

Adam B. Schiff, California
P) 202-225-4176 F) 202-225-5828

Michael M. Honda, California
P) 202-225-2631 F) 202-225-2699

Betty McCollum, Minnesota
P) 202-225-6631 F) 202-225-1968

Saving America's Horses - Good things come in threes

Wild for Life Foundation
JUNE 5, 1012

Attention equestrians and horse lovers - good things come in threes!

1. It was a packed house with standing room only when art lovers and equestrians gathered together on Saturday under a starlit evening by the ocean at the Malibu Equestrian Art Show to experience the compelling power of the SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES’ featurette, a special preview compilation presented by filmmaker Katia Louise. Equestrians and art lovers come away enlightened and inspired from the benefit which was hosted by Sycamore Farms. Inspirational artists including Charlie Patton and Dayna Holiga offered their artwork which was enjoyed by all. WFLF extends their profound gratitude to Malibu Horses and all the sponsors for their support. 10% of the proceeds will be going to SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES.

The day was also marked by the kick off of “Saving America’s Horses” sponsorship drive. Malibu Art Show guests were spellbound by the SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES’ featurette and eagerly pledged to ask 3 professionals each to help support this important cause. “We’re inviting the business sector to help stop equine cruelty by embracing social value with purpose,” said Katia Louise.
Learn more:
2. "Eat a Meal and Save a Horse" fund-raise at Paco's, Saturday, June 9th
Just 3 blocks away from the Santa Anita racetrack on 3rd day of the Triple Crown, Katia Louise, director of SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES will appear and present sneak peeks from her landmark movie. It all takes place at Paco's Mexican Restaurant in Arcadia, CA Saturday, June 9th, when your favorite meal can help insure a safe future for AMERICA’S Thoroughbreds. Order in or take out anytime between 3PM-10PM on June 9th and a portion of the proceeds will benefit SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES.

Wild for Life Foundation extends an open invitation to the leaders of the Thoroughbred industry to help champion the way by reinstating an anti-slaughter position for the protection of America’s horses from slaughter. Recent efforts to introduce changes to the horseracing industry from various camps, together with growing awareness of the need for corporate social responsibility, illustrate the convergence of good timing toward meaningful changes. "I urge the leaders in the Thoroughbred industry to set an example for the rest of the industry to actively get behind SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES, the movie, and support the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act." — Bing Bush Jr., equine attorney. You can do it all; eat a meal, save a horse and take the pledge to stop equine cruelty, at Paco’s on June 9th. JOIN EVENT:

3. No Place Like Hope and SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES, Sunday, June 10th
Over 5,000 guests are anticipated to attend the “No Place Like Hope - Hoe Down” where SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES will have a special booth, educate and raise awareness about the need for protection of equines. International award winning filmmaker, Katia Louise is scheduled to speak at noon about the connection between the environment, the eradication of our wild and domestic equines and the future of humanity. Event guests will also be able to meet and talk with the filmmaker when they stop by the SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES booth. "Timing is pivotal, with the ongoing elimination of our wild horses from the rangelands and the escalated push by foreign investors to reopen horse slaughter plants in the U.S.; more and more horses are at risk of cruel and barbaric slaughter," says Katia Louise.
Kaitlyn Hennessy & Aubrie Munson

Wild for Life Foundation is pleased to take part in this special event which also raises support and attention for local rescue horses in need. There will be many fun and exciting activities throughout the day including live entertainment, celebrity appearances, riding exhibitions, games and more.
When: Sunday, June 10th 11AM-4PM

Where: Bridlewood Arena Park, 131 Santa Rosa Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA

SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES is an intelligent and hard hitting exposé that reveals how the public has been misled by government agencies and corporate interests that run over the laws that are supposed to protect the horses, the environment and people. Geared for the conscience consumer and suitable for all audiences; SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES - NATION BETRAYED is a feature length educational documentary film project under Wild for Life Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) all volunteer nonprofit, dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving wild and domestic equines. WFLF relies 100% on donations. Your donation in any amount will make a difference.

Give Now

Your support today can create a better world tomorrow for our horses, the environment and humanity.

PDF of this post:
Link to this Blogger post:

There's No Place Like Hope and SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES

If you're in the Thousand Oaks area Sunday, June 10th, come on out and see us!  WFLF's SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES will have a special booth set up at the "No Place Like Hope Hoe Down" to educate and raise awareness about the need for protection of equines. Over 5,000 guests are anticipated to attend and will no doubt come away enlightened, inspired and empowered to take action.

 As part of the event, international award winning filmmaker, Katia Louise is scheduled to speak at noon about the connection between the environment, the eradication of our wild and domestic equines and the future of humanity. "Timing is pivotal, with the ongoing elimination of our wild horses from the rangelands and the escalated push by foreign investors to reopen horse slaughter plants in the U.S.; more and more horses are at risk of cruel and barbaric slaughter," says Katia Louise.

Katia will also be discussing the making of her landmark film, SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED. "This powerful film not only dispels; but transcends the subterfuge and spotlights the true facts," Katia says. "’s about the majesty of the horse, the freedom they represent, the value of that freedom and what it means to life."  Event guests will also be able to meet and talk with the filmmaker while stopping by the SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES booth.

Wild for Life Foundation is pleased to take part in this special event which also raises support and attention for local rescue horses in need. There will be many fun and exciting activities throughout the day including live entertainment, celebrity appearances, riding exhibitions, games and more.

SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES is an intelligent and hard hitting exposé that reveals how the public has been misled by government agencies and corporate interests that run over the laws that are supposed to protect the horses, the environment and people. Geared for the conscience consumer and suitable for all audiences; SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES - NATION BETRAYED is a feature length educational documentary film project under Wild for Life Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) all volunteer nonprofit, dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving wild and domestic equines. WFLF relies 100% on donations. Your donation in any amount will make a difference.

Give Now


Unique Sponsorship opportunities for SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES


Time is of the essence for America's horses. Every day that goes by, more and more horses die a gruesome death and the push to reopen slaughterhouses in the U.S. gains momentum. Yesterday’s family pet ponies, today’s champion racehorses and tomorrow’s wild horses are all at risk of this horrific fate. But your support today can help save America's horses of tomorrow.

You can make a difference by telling the friends and business owners you know about SPONSORSHIP opportunities. By embracing social value with purpose and supporting SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES, sponsors will be acknowledged and can also receive national visibility and publicity for their community leadership and vision. Sponsorship donations are tax deductible.

Sponsors of this award winning film will mutually benefit through national and international exposure of its public bi coastal theatrical release.

Please forward this information to your network.  Share links to our website. Ask your friends to help spread the word too. Your help today can make a big difference for our horses, the environment and humanity.

Your generous donation in any amount will help bring attention to the horses. On screen credits for individuals begin with a donation of $100. (On-screen credits available for a limited time.)

Thank you for your kind and generous continued support.

With gratitude,
Katia Louise

Saving America’s Horses is an educational project under Wild for Life Foundation, a 501c3 volunteer based charity, dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving equines. Donations are tax deductible.

Sponsorship can be made by an individual, group, small business or corporation.