Urgent Action Alert

Your immediate calls are needed to stop new horse slaughter plants that are targeted to open in the U.S. this summer!

Make a note to call 1st thing Monday, June 18th to support a special Amendment that can stop the USDA from funding horse slaughter.  Moran's Amendment is coming up for a vote on Tuesday June 19, 2012, and if passed, will stop USDA funding for the slaughter of horses on US soil.

Call the Capitol switchboard Monday: 202.224.2131 and ask them to: "Support the Moran Amendment to prohibit USDA inspections at horse slaughter plants in the U.S."

To learn more and to see a list of direct phone numbers for the committee members>>


Wild for Life Foundation and the team at "Saving America's Horses" are wishing all the fabulous father's around the world a joyous Father's Day. May you be blessed to know your children throughout your life and share meaningful time together.

SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED illuminates the connection between the eradication of our wild and domestic equines, its impact on the environment and the future of humanity. "The public is being misled by special interests that are pushing to expand a foreign market for horsemeat inside the U.S. The cover up involves toxic health risks to humans, economic and environmental devastation and criminal animal cruelty." -Katia Louise, President, Wild for Life Foundation

"Saving America's Horses” is an educational documentary project under Wild for Life Foundation, a nonprofit all volunteer charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving equines.

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