Thank you for your kindness and generosity, and for standing with us in 2011!

Dear WFLF Supporter,

With your support, 2011 was a groundbreaking year for Wild for Life Foundation and our vital work to save, protect and preserve horses.

WFLF’s powerful equine protection campaigns swept the continent in 2011 – with our landmark documentary film “Saving America’s Horses”, together with our international equine protection coalition, our rescue and sanctuary work, and our cutting-edge awareness ads for billboards, television and magazines.

Wild for Life Foundation will continue to take a stand for these deserving majestic creatures, as we strive to put an end to horse slaughter and round ups.

By bringing our message to the mass public, WFLF advocates are putting a spotlight on the need to protect America’s wild and domestic equines from slaughter and round ups. Our equine protection program fully advocates for the preservation of wild horses and anti slaughter for all horses.

The Saving America’s Horses Initiative is a prestigious coalition of equine welfare professionals and equine welfare groups working at the forefront of these issues. "Saving America's Horses" the documentary film, provides spotlight platform for the leading equine welfare professionals and organizations to share their findings on world stage through cinema.

“Saving America’s Horses” the life-changing film showcased across the continent from California to Canada, to Washington DC, winning many prestigious awards including Best Documentary film in the Los Angeles Women’s’ International Film Festival and Best Environmental Film at Film North International Film Festival Canada.

WFLF’s equine rescue program, Lifetime Equine Refuge is dedicated to providing lifesaving stewardship the guarantee of lifetime care to rescue horses in need. Because of YOUR generous support, many once slaughter bound and forgotten horses just like Carmel not only have a second chance at life, but are serving as Ambassadors in the fight to save America’s horses.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity, and for standing with us in 2011! You are Saving America’s Horses!

With sincere appreciation,
Katia Louise
President, Wild for Life Foundation

PS. Please watch our latest trailer IMPACT straight from the title sequence of the film “Saving America’s Horses”.