Be a Hero for the Horses

Be a Hero for the Horses Today by Helping Saving America’s Horses

The recent lifting of the ban on funding for USDA horse slaughter inspectors in the U.S. was a below-the-belt assault on America by the proponents of horse slaughter, but with your help, the power of SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES can set the horses free!

“Saving America’s Horses” represents the underdogs in the battle to save the horses. We are the pro horse/ anti slaughter vets, trainers, breeders, jockeys, handlers, investigators, rescuers, protection groups, horse owners and policymakers whose efforts have been muted and squelched by a well funded pro slaughter PR machine; UNTIL NOW!

"Saving America's Horses - A Nation Betrayed" is the lifesaving documentary film that can change everything for our horses. With your generous support “Saving America’s Horses – A Nation Betrayed” can be seen by the masses in 2012.

Plans are being put into action to bring this extremely compelling film resource to the policymakers and to the public at large with distribution targeted for 2012. Wild for Life Foundation is asking for your help to bring this landmark film recourse to the public release with a year-end donation.

“Saving America’s Horses” is an educational project under Wild for Life Foundation and relies 100 % on donations. The Saving America’s Horses initiative is a national coalition of equine professionals, plus domestic and wild horse rescue and protection organizations who have collaborated forces and have contributed their voices to in effort to effect change through this film. Many production services have also been donated to WFLF by IMA studios to make this film possible. But this film will not make it to the masses without YOUR continued support. Please be a hero for the horses today and donate now.

Right now, thousands of America’s horses — all types and disciplines, continue to suffer on U.S. soil; wild horses are being stampeded down icy lava fields by helicopter, all breeds stockpiled into feedlots, and crammed into double-deck cattle trailers for days on end, in record freezing temperatures without medical care, food or rest. Only a federal ban can protect our horses from the violent and destructive predatory trade of horse slaughter.

“Saving America’s Horses – A Nation Betrayed” sends a loud wake up call to the world, shining a light on the truth that proponents don’t want the public to know. This film is the most comprehensive and compelling feature documentary film about this issue ever made. It’s an intelligent and hard hitting expose` that will wake up and shake up the public so that they will take the action needed to get the federal protection bills passed.
Your gift today can help make 2012 the year when horse slaughter is finally banned in the U.S.
Support "Saving America's Horses" and not only be part of the solution, but also take part in this powerful vehicle for change.

Katia Louise
And The Team at Saving America’s Horses

PS- Supporters are also encouraged to COLLABORATE on this film through one of many creative ways. Producer and Sponsorship opportunities are also open. Individuals, groups and businesses can help lead the way, show social responsibility and be a hero for the horses. Join us! Act now to add your on-screen credit in time for public release.

Meet Carmel: SAH's Hero for Horses Ambassador
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