Americas horses need your help today

Dear friends and supporters of saving America's horses,
A personal plea; with just 9.5 days left we have a long ways to go to reach our goal, but I still have hope and I'm not giving up. The theaters are penciled in, but time is running out to get them booked. We need a minimum of $25k to secure the bi coastal Academy qualifying theatrical runs for SAVING AMERICAS HORSES for this year. With your pledge today, we can meet this goal.
Americas horses need your help TODAY. With my heart on my sleeve I hope that you will help America's horses,(they need you so much) through this powerful documentary film. Education is key and a wide audience must be reached.

Please help by sharing and "liking" our link to the SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES release Campaign on Indiegogo

Through the magic of the internet, traffic to the page can quickly generate more attention and exposure for this important work.
America's horses are disappearing, and along with them goes a part of us. We can't bring back those we've lost, but we have the power to make a difference for generations to come. The future is in our hands, let us join together and take a stand for moral justice. SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES - it's not just about horses; it’s about all of us; how we as a society exist; our footprint on the world and the future of humanity.

Our campaign ends on Sept 28th. With the power of social media word travels fast and if we can just reach 10k funders at the $100 by Sept 28th, we will be able to meet the requirements and the theatrical release of SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES will be a reality.
Funders at the $100 level receive an on screen film credit in the movie.

Time is of the essence, but with your help we could reach our goal even faster with 1000 MIRACLE CHAMPIONS.
Please see our campaign page for a full list of all the perks and levels.

Please pledge, donate, share today!

Funds are needed or this opportunity for our horses will be gone forever. Please help us secure the bi coastal Academy qualifying theatrical release of SAVING AMERICAS HORSES with a donation in any amount TODAY.

We extend our sincere thanks to all the funders that have contributed -- and many,many thanks to your truly heart-warming comments that let us know our vision is lighting up hearts around the world for what is possible in healing ourselves and our world through saving our horses.  

With gratitude and for the horses~

Katia Louise