15 Things to Know about Horse Slaughter

Wild for Life Foundation is pleased to announce an all new info-graphic for the Saving America's Horses Initiative. The Team at Saving America's Horses worked together with an anonymous design team to compile the 15 most important things to know about horse slaughter, and an anonymous donor contributed the resources for the visually stimulating and cohesive design.

"It's the "data viz" as the cool kids call it and we hope to see it go viral", says Katia Louise, Director, Saving America's Horses. "15 Things to know about Horse Slaughter" puts the data that people need to know in an easy to understand way with visual displays that can be seen rather than read."

The eye catching tool can be linked and posted on to Facebook straight from the SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES movie site so that social networking groups can share it far and wide.

"Special interest groups are pushing to reopen slaughter plants across the country... There is no over-population or surplus of horses that must be dealt with via slaughter... 80% of Americans polled oppose the slaughter of horses for human consumption...  Slaughter plants caused horrific environmental problems in the communities where they were located..."

Check it out now!

SAH's 15 Things to Know about Horse Slaughter also available in a PDF:)
