Navajo Horses Rescue and Recovery Mission

Orphaned Navajo foals need your help! They are just 3-5 months old and were taken from their mothers who were shipped to slaughter. Wild horses and burros are being taken from their Native homes in the highly contested Navajo roundups which the vast majority of Navajo people oppose. 
Volunteer rescuers members from the WFLF's Navajo Horse Rescue and Recovery Mission have put their lives on hold to rescue, recover and evacuate survivors, and insure they will never be subject to roundup or slaughter again.
You can help save these innocent and sacred wild Navajo horses and burros by giving to this mission. Funds received will help pay for immediate transport, hay, veterinary medical care and housing.

Click here to make a donation.

Click here to learn more about the Navajo Horses Rescue and Recovery Mission.
Donations are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Federal ID No. 26-3052458

Thank you for caring and for taking part.
The Team at Saving America's Horses
Wild for Life Foundation