Touch the world with Love

Join us!  Wild For Foundation, Saving America's Horses and Booster invite you ‘Touch the world with Love’!  August is PETS month at Booster and we are launching an all new 'HOPE TEES for HORSES' t-shirt campaign to help save and aid Wild Horses and Burros in need! – Show your support for this important charity cause. Please share widely!

Hope Tees Touch the world with LoveOur furry friends help make our lives better, so this month we are returning the favor,” says Booster.  We are thrilled because all month long Booster is featuring Wild For Life Foundation's Saving America’s Horses Hope TEES for Horses ‘B-Cause’ it’s a great cause that benefits animals!

We’re raising awareness and needed funds to help save and aid victimized horses and burros including babies, orphan foals, nursing mama’s and other at-risk equines who’ve recently been rescued under Wild For Life Foundation's Equine Rescue and Recovery mission.  Funds raised will help pay for their most essential needs including veterinary medical care, nutritional food, transport and peaceful safe habitats.

Meet Orroyo!  Orroyo is featured on our special limited edition Hope Tees for Horses t-shirts which are only available for a limited time.  Click here to be among the first to order!

Within weeks of losing her freedom, her family, her home on America’s public range-land, Avalon a sweet and innocent little wild burro gave birth to her baby son, Orroyo.  And, thanks to the continued support from caring people like you, we were able save Avalon, her baby and her family - And, reunite and place them at our wild horse and burro recovery center. Avalon and Orroyo have since transitioned to our sanctuary program where they are safely enjoying an open space natural habitat. Their story is helping to raise awareness and aid for America's wild horses and burros. These precious wild ones are just a few of the many wild burros and horses whose stories we are sharing.

Check out this adorable t-shirt and see Scooter and his mommy, Clarabelle.  Scooter is one of our newest arrivals and he’s just days old!  Clarabelle is one of the six pregnant Jennies who came into our program earlier this year. They urgently need your support.  Will you 'Touch the world with Love’ this month by sharing and supporting this important cause?

We set the goal at 200 shirts by August 31st because the need for funding is crucial. We really need YOUR help rallying support & SHARING this project with your friends.

Limited edition charity t-shirts - Ends Wed, Aug. 31st, 9:00 PM Pacific.

Men's, women's and youth sizes available in three colors!

Many thanks in advance for your continued kind and generous support.

With heartfelt LOVE and blessings,
From your friends at Saving America's Horses and the Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF)

WFLF is an all volunteer nonprofit 501(C)3 charity and we rely 100% upon the generosity of others to accomplish our mission.  Your continued support makes it possible for us to save, protect provide for horses and burros in need.
Federal ID No: 26-3052458