Saving America's Wild Horses & Burros from Extinction

Oct 22, 2021

ALERT!  The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) have recently accelerated their violent roundups and their intended removal of the last wild horses and burros from America’s public lands.  Countless wild horses’ and burros’ lives and the future of America’s free-roaming wild horses and burros are under immediate threat of destruction!   

According to the BLM’s own 2020-2021 estimate, the actual number of wild horses and burros on the open range has drastically declined by more than 96% since their last actual census.  This drastic decline was caused by The BLM; yet they are the agency charged by Congress to protect America’s wild horses and burros.

Now the BLM fully intends to severely diminish our horses’ and burros’ natural presence in the wild to less than 98%. See their most recent submitted report to Congress, BLM 2020 WHB Report.

As also revealed by the same Report, the BLM is complicit in their ruthless and methodical plan of genocidal intent to wipe out the last 1.3% of America’s precious wild horses and burros through acts of escalated violent roundups and permanent sterilization.

We are strongly opposed to this convoluted plan to sterilize the last 1.3% of America’s free roaming wild horses and burros.  We see this as a modern day “Trail of Tears” for America’s horses and burros whom are being zeroed out from their native lands.  

We as native people we honor the horse nation, our sacred relatives; horses and burros are as much a part of the land as we are; their future is our future.

Saving America's Horses helps to bring aid and provide for the vital needs America's at-risk equines through the support of wild and domestic horse and burro preservation and the prevention of equine cruelty.  

We have uncovered substantial evidence which suggests that the public is being misled about the use of PZP on free-roaming wild horses.  Many Need-to-Know facts about the use PZP on free-roaming wild horses and burros have been concealed and or omitted in the reports generated by agencies and groups that support it and or who benefit from the use of PZP on America’s free roaming wild horses and burros. 

We have extensively researched the risks of using PZP on America’s free roaming wild horses and burros.  The Wild For Life Foundation is a nonprofit animal protection organization which was founded for the purpose of prevention of cruelty to animals, and Saving America’s Horses is dedicated to breaking the cycle of animal cruelty and the protection of all equines from extermination, roundups, slaughter, and other forms of cruelty.  We are therefore opposed to the use of PZP on America’s free roaming wild horses and burros. We encourage all those who want to protect America’s wild horses and burros from cruelty to learn about the harmful risks and join in helping to expose the true facts.


The off-label use of pesticides such as PZP is widely accepted for use by wild horse advocates to suppress fertility in captive Mustangs in nonbreeding environments such as sanctuaries and preserves.  However, the repeated use of these chemicals on equines in the wild could spell total disaster for wild equines due to the long-term adverse effects.

PZP (aka Spayvac) has come under fire by a growing number of concerned equine experts and advocates. Evidence shows the use of Spayvac and Gonacon on wild free roaming horses has been found to sterilize the mares and suppress their natural hormonal behaviors. Their fitness is altered, as is their ability to survive in the wild.

PZP is a pesticide-sterilant that was registered without toxicity-testing. It tricks the immune system into producing antibodies that cause ovarian dystrophy, autoimmune oophoritis, ovarian cysts, and premature ovarian failure. It causes out-of-season births, where foaling occurs nearly year-round rather than in the Spring.  After just 3 consecutive treatments, return to fertility could take up to 8 years, if ever, and the if the first dose is given before puberty it can trigger sterility.

Some wild horse groups have recently started supporting the use of PZP fertility control on equines in the wild, with the hope that the BLM would move away from their cruel and costly helicopter roundups.  However, the BLM does not care about the horses and burros, and if the last of America’s free-roaming wild horses and burros are repeatedly treated with PZP, their existence in the wild will soon be over.

About the Wild For Life Foundation

The Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF) has been at the forefront of bringing the un-whitewashed truth to the public on the issue of horse slaughter and the protection of wild horses and burros in the wild.  

With a focus on the prevention of cruelty as the primary goal, WFLF strongly urges a strong and united voice for the protection of wild horses and burros from roundups, slaughter, and extinction. Supporting conservation measures that benefit the environment without harming our horses and burros is one sure way that people can make a compelling difference.

America’s wild horses and burros need you to act on their behalf; to help protect them from roundups, slaughter, and extinction, before it’s too late!

Please join us by making a difference and share this update with your friends.  Your support matters and can help save lives today, tomorrow and for generations to come.