Jan 31, 2023
WFLF Saving America’s Horses joins Equine Welfare Alliance (EWA) to commend Senator Sonia Lewis and Lorena GarcĂa for their bold move in sponsoring and introducing SB23-038, a new Senate Bill that was just introduced on January 12, 2023, in Colorado to outlaw the slaughter of equines for human consumption.
Everyone is urged to help get the word out to Colorado residents for their support of this important legislation.
Colorado residents are urged to call & email your members of congress, and the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources now, and ask them to support SB23-038 so that it can be reported from committee to the Senate floor for a fair vote at the hearing Thursday, Feb 2nd.Contact information Courtesy:
- Sen. Dylan Roberts, Chair
Phone: 303-866-4871
Email: dylan.roberts.senate@coleg.gov
- Sen. Nick Hinricksen, Vice Chair
Phone: 303-866-4878
Email: nick.hinrichsen.senate@coleg.gov
- Sen. Janice Marchmann
Phone: 303-866-4853
Email: janice.marchman.senate@coleg.gov
- Sen. Brian Pelton
Phone: 303-866-6360
Email: byron.pelton.senate@coleg.gov
- Sen. Rod Pelton
Phone: 303-866-4884
Email: rod.pelton.senate@coleg.gov
- Sen. Kevin Priola
Phone: 303-866-4855
Email: kevin.priola.senate@coleg.gov
- Sen. Cleave Simpson
Phone: 303-866-4875
Email: cleave.simpson.senate@coleg.gov
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