"Saving America’s Horses" From the Human Food Chain

"Saving America’s Horses" From the Human Food Chain is the topic as will be presented by Filmmaker, Katia Louise at the Animal Rights 2011 National Conference. The conference is scheduled for July 21st through July 25th in Los Angeles, CA. Katia will be speaking and presenting a sneak peek  to registered guests of the conference with highlights from the lifesaving film, "Saving America's Horses - A Nation Betrayed"on Saturday, July 23 at 3PM.

"Since horses are not considered food animals in the U.S. they don't get the attention that other such farm animals get by the animal rights movement in America", says Katia Louise and she hopes to harness the support of America's most compassionate animal lovers.

Honoring the human-animal relationship on behalf of America's horses is a strong message within this film. More than 63 million US households have animals as pets and nine out of ten pet owners/ guardians consider them to be part of the family. "Even though domestic horses are considered as companion animals by many Americans, equines in general seem to fall between the cracks when it comes to the truth about their abuse and suffering,"  says Katia.

America's wild horses would qualify for protection under the endangered species act if they were recognized as indigenous species, but the U.S. government ignores the scientific evidence of their roots which date back to the ice age. The USDA calls them livestock, BLM calls them pests and proponents of slaughter want to cash them in.  It's time for the horses to have their stories told and "Saving America's Horses" the 1st and only feature documentary educational resource does just that.

The AR 2011 Conference exposes and confronts the terror perpetrated every day against billions of innocent, sentient nonhuman animals. The four-day program features nearly 100 presenters from more than 60
organizations and several countries, representing virtually all sectors
of our movement. They appear in seven plenary sessions, 50 workshops,
and a dozen rap sessions and campaign reports.

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