I'm humbled to bring you this update about Saving America's Horses, what the latest is regarding the issues and tell you a little more about the this film, how it came about, and what's happening behind the scenes on the project itself as we continue to move forward in our mission to protect horses and burros.

PRODUCTION, RELEASE AND DISTRIBUTION: Research and investigation into the issues that this film centers on first began in 1998 and has continued through and into the production phase of this film which began in 2009. The first festival cut of this educational documentary film project was released worldwide in 2010 through the Los Angeles Women's International Film Festival where it won BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM. Subsequent festival cuts of the project were released thereafter through multiple festival screenings where the film won numerous international awards including BEST ENVIRONMENTAL FILM in Canada.
The film project was then completely remastered and reformatted in conformance with ST 428-2:2006 D-Cinema Distribution Master requirements as set by the ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES for Academy qualification and was then released with Oscar consideration and exhibited through BI-COASTAL THEATRICAL RELEASE in 2012.
This full length feature documentary film project has also privately screened at numerous educational venues across the country. The theatrical version of the full length film has recently been remastered and updated with new footage, current data and statistics, and is ready to go to the next level. A 10 minute featurette version of the film is also available in multiple formats for licensed short programming purposes. A series Advocacy Videos have also been produced through a compilation of excerpts from the film, and these remain available online WFLF’s websites and social media forums as educational tools for the benefit of the horses.
Many other multimedia educational tools and materials have also been created through select data, images and excerpts from the film project to raise awareness and educate the public about the issues as that have sadly continued to threaten America's equine population as a whole.

SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES is an independent educational film project under Wild for Life Foundation (WFLF), a Federally registered and fully compliant 501c3 all volunteer nonprofit organization dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving equines. As a small grassroots charity, WFLF raised much of the needed funds to pay for the essential costs for production and release of the film during the various phases of distribution. Priority has been placed on benefiting the welfare, safety and protection of America's horses in every step along the way.
On a personal note, my role in the production of the film first began when I seeded the project while working as a teaching and performing artist, and doing small roles in film and TV projects. Although I have worn many hats in the process of making this film as an independent filmmaker, I have done so as a volunteer, without expectation or receipt of compensation for my time or services. I have humbly served on behalf of this and the other projects and programs under WFLF as a volunteer since the beginning. This has been part of my vow, my way of giving back to the animals and to our mission as a devoted animal advocate and animal welfare professional. -- All said however, my humble contribution represents just one of many contributions, or links if you will; links-in-a-chain of reputable individuals and organizations that have come together over the years and contributed to the completion and release of SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES; which would not have been possible without the full support of our dedicated and extraordinary cast, crew, and loving, devoted and compassionate donors..
Saving America's Horses tells the story of courage, honor and betrayal in a country divided, inspiring great hope for the protection for all horses and burros from cruelty. This powerful message speaks to the heart of this cause. Without unity, the pro-horse movement does not have the strength to stand up against the powerful deep pocket proponents of slaughter.
On behalf of WFLF and the dedicated team at Saving America's Horses, I urge all those who want to make a difference for the horses and burros, to stand in unity against the recent escalated efforts, the undermining devices, and misleading propaganda disseminated by the proponents of slaughter.
Make no mistake; this is a call to action for the full support of a united voice in the fight against horse slaughter, a cruel and barbaric practice that should have ended long, long ago.
Pledge now to stand united and to make your voice heard. Or, renew your pledge to show your support.
RECENT ISSUE DEVELOPMENTS: America's horses and burros need your voice today. Tens of thousands of wild horses' and burros' lives are at stake! In May 2018, the Interior ordered BLM to empty out wild horse and holding corrals by selling 25 horses at a time with no questions asked to any buyer. Despite a prohibition on such cruelty by the Interior Appropriations Committee, the Interior Secretary has mandated that the horses must be sold. All BLM public holding facilities must comply, whether they like it or not.
As advocates in this ongoing fight for a win against slaughter, one of our biggest challenges has been and remains getting the truth out in the open. Timing is pivotal, with the ongoing elimination of our wild horses from the rangelands, from holding areas, and with the escalated push by foreign investors to reopen horse slaughter plants in the U.S., more and more horses are suffering the cruel death of barbaric slaughter. A united voice for the horses must be restored and maintained. Time is of the essence.
What most people don't realize is that the disinformation campaigns related to our mission are driven by deep pocket special interests who do NOT really care about the horses at all. No matter what you've heard, there is only one truth: horse slaughter is NOT humane euthanasia. Nor is it a "necessary evil".
When the value of life is reduced to the cost of a pound of flesh; coverups can easily gain momentum, and precious ground can be lost when advocates are pitted against one another and lose track of the goal. However; when the dust settles strength can be found in one single moment of truth. And that moment has come.
WFLF and its Saving America's Horses educational project has stood the tests of time. We've come through the fire and we are still standing because our documentation is incontrovertible.
Unfriendly attempts to undermine the integrity of our mission through various disinformation campaigns have hit home for advocates and rescuers alike, in the anti-slaughter movement. Most seasoned animal advocates and rescuers understand that overcoming controversy is something we must face, especially when working in the field of equine welfare, where the stakes extremely high. It's up to us to do our best, to stay the course, act with integrity, keep our focus on the horses and burros, and never give up. That's what you do when you place priority on their protection. And that's what we've done every step of the way.
It remains our chief objective at Wild For Life Foundation and Saving America's Horses to bring the truth to the public and to effect the changes needed for the protection and preservation of equines in America.
We are here for the horses and burros, and we've got the truth on our side.
With blessings and prayers for our horses and burros,
yours sincerely,
Katia Louise
Volunteer Executive Director, Saving America's Horses, Wild for Life Foundation