Open Letter with Comments, Concerns and Proposals by WFLF and ISAGC Re Montgomery Pass Wild Horse Management

Open letter to BLM & USFS Re WFLF & ISAHC Comments, Concerns and Proposals Re Montgomery Pass Wild Horse Management




Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF)

International Saving America’s Horses Coalition (ISAHC)

WFLF & ISAHC Comments, Concerns & Proposal(s)

Given the fact that there are roughly 200,000 acres in the MPWHT, we are extremely concerned that the MPWHT has an assigned allowable population of only 138 - 230 wild horses, (a mean of just 184 horses). Based on the same, the BLM and USFS would only allow one individual horse for every 1,087 acres, or 1.7 square miles. This is both absurd and contrary to the management goals and duties of the BLM and USFS. 

Given the current estimated population of 654 horses, there are roughly 306 acres, or 0.48 square miles per individual wild horse. This population is therefore well within the established horse carrying capacity of moderate horse density in relation to available forage, water & shelter. 

Per the proposed Wild Horse Management for MPWHT,  ( ) the BLM and USFS overly simplify consideration of this legally protected herd. Further, there is absolutely no evidence to support the assertion that wild horses are destructive presences wherever they live. 

The BLM and USFS proposal further lack any alternatives to address the purported disturbances. WFLF and ISAHC experts have studied and visited the warm springs on the east shore of Mono Lake, including the high-use recreation areas such as Navy Beach and South Tufa, and have closely observed the mustangs around Montgomery Pass.  Moreover, factual evidence clearly demonstrates that there are scant bands with very little negative impact. 

The BLM and USFS have failed to consider the heavy snow last winter which created a natural emergency for the wild horses. As such, the horses were forced to seek areas where they could survive.  We have yet to discover any attempt by the BLM and USFS to help the horses during this natural emergency. 

This natural emergency does not provide any justification for the proposed reduction and or elimination of this important wild horse population. Further, per Sections 4 & 6 of WFHBA, Cooperative Agreements can be established with adjacent land management agencies and, or private landowners to provide all the year-round habitat requirements. Further, per the WFHBA, it is the agency’s legal duty to manage a sustainable and viable wild horse population; not to eliminate them. 

Further, the BLM and USFS have failed to recognize the benefits of the wild horses’ daily & seasonal movements that, in fact, support the ecosystem through the constitution of natural rest-rotation which allows the various sectors of their habitat to rebound. Substantial scientific evidence documents how the broad-ranging, semi-nomadic nature of the horses supports the ecosystem. 

Per the Wild Free-Roaming Horses & Burros Act they must be allowed to live naturally and freely and with minimum interference. Per the Act, they must be allowed to fulfill their natural niche and role in the ecosystem. BLM and USFS are actually in violation of this law by not working in favor of the herd, and by restricting, confining and removing them based on falsehoods and fabricated excuses.

Substantial scientific evidence has proven that wild horses are deeply rooted returned native species in North America. This fact is further demonstrated by fossil and petroglyphs found in the MPWHT. If there is merit to the suggested concerns of noticeable disturbance or conflict with visitors or traffic, it is the agency’s duty to develop and manage a protective plan that both mitigates & prevents the same. 

We propose that BLM and USFS create alternative watering sources and natural shelter areas that are away from the extreme weather patterns including any heavy snowstorms & blizzards & cold weather.  We further propose the construction of fencing and or other artificial barriers. For example, overpasses can be constructed at strategic locations along highways, and vivid traffic signs including speed control can easily be implemented. We further suggest the installation of speed control bumps which would be highly effective in slowing motorists down in specific areas. 

Wild horses can be easily conditioned through both positive reinforcement & safe and humane negative reinforcement to stay away from sensitive habitats & areas of possible conflict. These safe and humane methods have been successfully implemented with other large wild animals including elephants, rhinos & zebras to prevent conflicts in farmland and human dwelling areas, as well as sensitive habitats. 

We further propose that any plans to roundup and remove any wild horses from the MPWHT be canceled immediately, and that these management methods be instead implemented by the BLM and USFS. It’s important to additionally point out that these management methods would be far less expense to conduct than roundups, etc., which are in fact, far more destructive to the environment. 

Per the WFHBA, wild horses & burros contribute to the diversity of life forms within the nation and enrich the lives of the American people. Further, a wild horse/burro range, or legal area, is the amount of land necessary to sustain an existing herd or herds of wild free-roaming horses and burros and should be devoted principally but not necessarily exclusively to their welfare and be considered an integral part of the natural system of public lands.

Wild horses naturally build healthy, humus rich soils and disperse many intact seeds of a great variety of plants including many native species. They can and will naturally adapt to their ecosystem in harmonious ways that enhance the environment if allowed. 


Katia Louise, President, Director

The Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF)

The International Saving America’s Horses Coalition (ISAHC) 

In Honor of Mario James, the Man with the Heart of Gold


In Loving Memory of Mario James


Mario James
, November 1954 - February 2023. Devoted husband and life partner to Saving America's Horses Filmmaker Katia Louise. Mario James was a passionate Ambassador to SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES, and the award winning Line Producer, Production Manager, Camera Operator, Lighting, Theater Technician and Special Events MC & Educational Spokesperson for SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED. Mario was also the Equine Rescue & Sanctuary Assistant Director & onsite Manager, and Caregiver for Wild For Life Foundation's (WFLF's) Lifetime Equine Refuge, longtime horseman & dedicated equine advocate. Mario James was the man behind the Mission of SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES at WFL Humanion Films. He was a devoted supporter of the Wild For Life Foundation and its mission to prevent animal cruelty, end horse slaughter, and save and protect horses & burros in need. His humanity shined in his devotion to his wife and family, and the labor of love work for his revered horse family. Mario was also a loving and devoted son-in-law, father, brother, grandfather, uncle, and caring friend. He was there when fire threatened the sanctuary and risked his own safety, he was there when neighbors and friends needed help in their rural community, he was there to help care for his mother-in-law, and served as the rock on which everyone could always depend. Mario was a Treasured Spirit Peaceful Warrior Brother and Elder of the Horse Nation, with a HEART as BIG as a HERD! Mario's FIRE and PASSION to take care of one of CREATOR'S MOST MAJESTIC BEINGS with utmost LOVE, GENTLENESS AND CARING was boundless and selfless. He made sure they had a voice and a perpetual home and did everything in his power to ensure they were well cared for. 

But the heart of the man with the heart of gold suddenly stopped beating in the morning of February 4th. And now we at Saving America's Horses, Wild For Life Foundation and Lifetime Equine Refuge are faced with the reality that our kind, gentle and sensitive man who gave his all to those in his care, are grieving through the experience his sudden loss and the rescue horses & burros who reside at our humble equestrian sanctuary are facing life without our sanctuary manager, their caregiver and support for their essential daily needs.

Mario’s family is grieving through the shocking experience of his traumatic loss, and has set up a special memorial fund to honor his lifesaving work through the Wild For Life Foundation charity. Please consider supporting us so we may honor and continue the work of his life, and now, his legacy. Follow the arrow below to support the 'Touch the World with Love Mario James Legacy Fund' through the Wild For Life Foundation.

Click here to support Mario's Legacy Memorial Fund. 

Visit the SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES Memorium page where we pay homage to those board members, cast members, crew and contributors of SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED who have passed away since the making if this landmark film.

Also visit the SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES Facebook where you can share your thoughts and memories in honor of Mario.

CALL TO ACTION: American Horses Need Your Support to Help get a New Lifesaving Senate Bill to the Floor and Passed

 Jan 31, 2023

WFLF Saving America’s Horses joins Equine Welfare Alliance (EWA) to commend Senator Sonia Lewis and Lorena García for their bold move in sponsoring and introducing SB23-038, a new Senate Bill that was just introduced on January 12, 2023, in Colorado to outlaw the slaughter of equines for human consumption.

Everyone is urged to help get the word out to Colorado residents for their support of this important legislation. 

Colorado residents are urged to call & email your members of congress, and the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources now, and ask them to support SB23-038 so that it can be reported from committee to the Senate floor for a fair vote at the hearing Thursday, Feb 2nd.

Contact information Courtesy:

- Sen. Dylan Roberts, Chair

Phone: 303-866-4871


- Sen. Nick Hinricksen, Vice Chair

Phone: 303-866-4878


- Sen. Janice Marchmann

Phone: 303-866-4853


- Sen. Brian Pelton

Phone: 303-866-6360


- Sen. Rod Pelton

Phone: 303-866-4884


- Sen. Kevin Priola

Phone: 303-866-4855


- Sen. Cleave Simpson

Phone: 303-866-4875


Please share widely.

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2023 Premiere Screening “Phenomenal!”

 Sunday, Jan 29, 2023

WFLF Humanion Films is pleased to share the exciting new rave reviews from audience members who attended the 2023 Premiere Special Event Screening of SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED

The live event screening included appearances by filmmaker, Katia Louise, and delegate speakers, Chief Daniel Eagle Warrior Daniel Ramos and Amanda Sorvino, whose inspirational commentary moved the audience beyond compare. 

"Requests for LIVE special event screenings like this started coming in on opening day in December last year," said Katia Louise, filmmaker. "As the roll-out continues we look forward to being able to announce more details soon. Meanwhile, we are working together with several national equine organizations and groups toward a full line up of special event screenings this year." 

The January 25th Event was brought to you by WFL Humanion Films & Equine Collaborative International (ECI), and was hosted by Britta Hesla, legislative liaison for A*W*E – Advocates for Wild Equines Grassroots Coalition.

Viewers of the film are encouraged to submit their comments and reviews to the filmmaker at info[@]

Learn more, get viewing information:


First Special Event Screening of the Year Announced

2023 Roll-out of SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED begins with a special event screening of the full feature film, brought to you by Equine Collaborative International (ECI).  

Gather together with friends new and familiar in the comfort of your home for an exclusive ECI Special Event Movie Screening of SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED, the international award winning feature documentary, presented by WFL Humanion Films, and written, produced, and directed by Filmmaker Katia Louise. 

  • Date:  January 25, 2023  
  • Time: 7-9 PM Eastern, 4-6 PM Pacific

Hosted by Britta Hesla
, legislative liaison for A*W*E – Advocates
 for Wild Equines Grassroots Coalition

Filmmaker, Katia Louise will present the film to registered
participants of the event. 

This ECI event is the film’s premiere screening of 2023 and will feature a lively discussion and Q & A session with the Filmmaker following the screening. 

Watch Share & Make a Difference for the Horses; the Challenge is on! Saving America's Horses Newest Trailer Featuring its roll-out of star studded red carpet events, with Paul Sorvino, Ken Wahl, Michael Blake & more, together with audience members who travel to attend from across the country
Watch Share & Make a Difference for the Horses; the Challenge is on!

SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES is of and for the horses.  Inspired by the spirit of the horse and filtered through a compassionate humanitarian lens; SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES illuminates the connection between the eradication of our wild and domestic equines, its impact on the environment and the future of humanity. 

SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES speaks volumes on the horses' behalf and gives them a voice that can be truly heard. The magnitude of expertise and passion reflected through this collaborative body of work delivers an irrefutable testament of facts; the true facts, many of which are not readily available to the public. Rich in compelling and beautiful cinematic qualities; this resource stands the test of time and will continue to serve as important educational resource for generations to come. 

The film combines more than 20 years of research, and features more than 50 of the world’s top equine veterinarians, trainers and other industry professionals whose appearances and contributions bring a united voice for the imperative and immediate need for federal protection of horses and burros from slaughter and roundups. 

Celebrity appearances by Paul Sorvino, Ken Wahl, Linda Gray, Willie Nelson, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Tippi Hedren, the Barbi Twins and more. Expert testimony by the leaders in veterinary community including Dr. Nicholas Dodman, Dr. Nena Winand, Dr. Elliot Katz, Dr. Temple Grandin and more. Plus appearances by Hall of Fame Thoroughbred racehorse trainer Nick Zito, World Renowned wild horse and Thoroughbred trainer Monty Roberts, Ecologist Craig Downer, Journalist George Knapp and many more.


  • Register at: 
  • $10 for ECI members
  • $15 for non-members
  • Limited seating so we recommend early registration
  • An individual link will be sent to the email address you provide in the PayPal message
  • Questions- email
This exclusive private screening will take place online and is open to the public on a limited basis.

This spellbinding new segment sets the stage as a prelude to SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED (2022) and brings to light the deception beneath the surface of the equine industry, and the many levels of fraud within the system that regulates it. 
A NATION BETRAYED, 2022 Prelude Trailer from Saving America's Horses, the movie


WFL Humanion Films and Equine Collaborative International (ECI) have teamed for the horses!  "We are thrilled to have the support of ECI as a new member organization to the International Saving America's Horses Coalition, and work together with them on behalf of the horses and burros," said Katia Louise, Wild For Life Foundation President , WFL Humanion Films Director, SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED, Filmmaker.  "We are looking forward to presenting a whole new level of educational events together with ECI, geared toward raising the bar beginning in 2023, for both advocates and people from all walks of life."

"Cooperation is one of the cornerstones of ECI’s mission. The film  SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED is masterfully and comprehensively done; beautiful, inspiring and heartbreaking in its reality. We are very excited to promote this life-changing, life-saving work,” added Barbara C Moore,  Equine Collaborative International Board VP.

“We are on a mission to change the future for America’s horses and burros by compelling the change that’s needed for their permanent protection from slaughter and brutal government roundups,” added Katia Louise.  “And that’s where the new SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES Gifting it Forward for the Horses Challenge comes in,” says Jay Coskie, Vice President and Founding Director WFLF, WFL Humanion Films Development and Outreach Chair. “It’s one small way that people can make a big difference.”

“This film is timeless and every horse lover in the world should watch it NOW,” adds Amanda Sorvino, Saving America’s Horses Honorary Board Member. “I challenge every horsewoman and every horseman, and anyone who ever cared about a horse to watch SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED this month, and then gift it forward for the horses by renting a copy for their family, friends and equine network.” 

SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES is a complex and enlightening social experience rich in the history of how we as a society exist and share our world with other species that we respect and rely upon to survive. When we look at how we treat our horses we discover more about ourselves.

Proceeds to benefit SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES. Your support will help save America's horses and restore hope for their future for generations to come.

SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES is an educational project under the Wild for Life Foundation, a 501 c3 all volunteer charity dedicated to saving, preserving and protecting equines.  Federal ID# 26-3052458

Make a Difference, Stand With Us!
